Aged Care in Focus

Increasing demand for services supports increased capacity

With an increase in requests for our support and services ACMA has moved quickly to increase staffing and capacity to meet demands.  ACMA Director and Principal consultant Peter Vincent announced that we have appointed to very experienced registered nurses with a broad range of clinical and management experience to our team.  Ali Rodda, Stephanie Brown and Janet Rhodes have all joined us and have already commenced roles supporting our clients.   ACMA staff are currently deployed across 8 contracts, with operations in South Australia, the ACT, Country Victoria and an International contract in Malaysia.

Our current contracts include supporting clients under sanction, preventing sanctions, working with the Remote and Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander Aged Care Advisory panel in Rural Victoria, supporting new applications for home care providers int he community sector and at an International level working to develop a new aged care respite service in Malaysia designed and operated to Australian Quality standards.   Supported by our business partners Henson Lloyd Chartered Accountants,  Hodgkison Architects and Gary Coff Consulting ACMA is in a strong position in the Aged Care market.


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ACMA are trusted by providers across the country to maintain or recover non-compliance, develop stronger clinical and governance systems, and to improve business outcomes.