In 2019, the Chief Executive Officer of a mid-sized not-for-profit organisation in Victoria contacted ACMA after unsuccessful attempts to address ongoing significant financial loss. The organisation needed to implement $700,000 pa of savings to break even and recognised the importance of a considered approach to mitigate any negative impact on consumers and staff.
The CEO engaged ACMA to work alongside the management team to identify the root cause of financial losses, and to develop a rapid recovery strategy that would be implemented prior to the end of the financial year.
ACMA conducted an independent analysis of the organisation’s financial performance, whilst completing a review of consumer and service outcomes being achieved at each facility. We engaged with staff in a variety of ways to understand their perspectives in relation to the operational issues and opportunities for improvement. Emerging themes in relation to income management, workforce management, procurement and external catering services were evident, and the organisations physical layout and admission criteria was having significant unintended consequences for staff on a day to day basis.
A series of recommendations were made to the management team and board, with accompanying strategies for engaging consumers, staff and management in the design and implementation of improvements. A communication strategy was initiated and working groups established to take ownership of each improvement project. ACMA’s Advisors provided guidance and targeted support to each working group to overcome perceived barriers and provided regular status reporting to the CEO and board.
We worked with key stakeholders to set KPI’s and provided an integrated financial reporting dashboard to enable transparent monitoring of financial improvements.
Consumer feedback measures were implemented with notable reductions in complaints and incidents. Staff raised continuous improvements increased, with initiatives including staff training, roster changes and amendments to Duty Statements embraced by the Organisation.